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Database Management Systems


Informix Software Inc

Informix-ESQL/C offers two sets of powerful tools for the C programmer:it can stand alone as a C programmer's development environment fordatabase applications, and it complements INFORMIX-SQL through C programcalls within Informix-SQL reports and forms.Informix-ESQL/C enables programmers to prepare simple or dynamic queries,and manipulate SQL databases with standard SQL statements embedded in anyC program. Using these query statements, a programmer can incorporateand manipulate data in SQL databases, create new databases and tables;add indices, and select, delete, insert, and update table informationwithout formulating subroutine calls.Programs written with Informix-ESQL/C are passed through a precompilerthat converts the standard SQL statements into C code. At runtime, theInformix-ESQL/C database agent processes the code, retrieves the requiredinformation, or performs the required function and returns the result tothe program.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0 Solaris x86 2.0

Informix Software Inc
4100 Bohannon Dr
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: (415) 926-6300
        (800) 331-1763
Fax: (415) 926-6593